Rebecca-Monique Episode 79

Number 4. Connection regret. 
About host
Hi, I’m Rebecca-Monique: an ICF accredited (PCC) grief and trauma coach, and coach supervisor. My work is centred around supporting individuals through their healing and growth. 

My specialist areas are grief, trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction, sense of Self (identity), boundaries and confidence. My modes of coaching are somatic (i.e. embodied awareness) and transformational (i.e. a focus on attitudes, values, beliefs, behaviours, etc.).

I have particular interests in social sciences and human-centred disciplines, including psychology, psycholinguistics, sociology, spirituality and philosophy. 

I live in London, UK with my son (who is also blessed with the awesomeness that is hyphenated first names!).

You can find out more about my personal journey and what led me to becoming a coach here, and here.

Work with me

If you’re thinking about working together for 1:1 coaching, please start here and for coaching supervision here.  

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​​This podcast is not coaching, nor a replacement for coaching with an accredited professional.

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Hi, I’m Rebecca-Monique – an ICF accredited coach and coach supervisor – and these are my passing thoughts.

We experience regret when we blame ourselves for a less than favourable outcome. 

Author of The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward, Daniel Pink states that regret is “healthy and universal; an integral part of being human”. 

In his book, he explores four categories of regret. Each can be placed into the  bucket of either action or inaction. 

  • Number one is Foundational regrets – these are choices that would have brought more stability and security later in life for example, saving or going down a particular educational or career route.  
  • Boldness Regrets – these are behaviours that required aggressive action. They could have been opportunities missed maybe due to lack of confidence or fear of rejection, for example. 
  • Third is Moral Regret – This is where our actions and behaviours were misaligned with our values and principles. 
  • The fourth type of regret is Connection regret – these are relationships we didn’t maximise or adequately nurture.  

My question for you this week is:

What has your most recent ‘shoulda woulda coulda’ taught you about yourself?  

Speak to you next week. Until then, be well.