Rebecca-Monique Episode 100

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About host
Hi, I’m Rebecca-Monique: an ICF accredited (PCC) grief and trauma coach, and coach supervisor. My work is centred around supporting individuals through their healing and growth. 

My specialist areas are grief, trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction, sense of Self (identity), boundaries and confidence. My modes of coaching are somatic (i.e. embodied awareness) and transformational (i.e. a focus on attitudes, values, beliefs, behaviours, etc.).

I have particular interests in social sciences and human-centred disciplines, including psychology, psycholinguistics, sociology, spirituality and philosophy. 

I live in London, UK with my son (who is also blessed with the awesomeness that is hyphenated first names!).

You can find out more about my personal journey and what led me to becoming a coach here, and here.

Work with me

If you’re thinking about working together for 1:1 coaching, please start here and for coaching supervision here.  

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If you find my content valuable, and would like to support my work, you can do so here via Ko-fi. 

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If you’d like to get in touch about the podcast, please do so here.


​​This podcast is not coaching, nor a replacement for coaching with an accredited professional.

These episodes are published with the understanding that the Coach and the Business are not engaged in rendering psychological, financial, legal or other professional services to its listeners.

If expert assistance is needed, the service of a competent professional should be sought.

Copyright © 2024 rbccmnq Limited. All rights reserved.

Hi, I’m Rebecca-Monique – an ICF accredited coach and coach supervisor – and these are my passing thoughts.

I’ve been recording Passing Thoughts for over 2 years, and this is the 100th episode. 

It feels like a significant and symbolic number to wrap up this series. 

I began Passing Thoughts as a way of sharing ideas and my thoughts in short form. 

It was an intentionally intimate space cultivated for reflection between myself and you, the listener.   

I’ve learnt to honour when things reach their natural end. 

Perhaps I’ll begin a second season further down the road; maybe I’ll introduce a new podcast series. 

What I do know for sure is that, right now, I feel called to redirect my energy towards other projects. 

Every ending signifies a beginning, and I’m looking forward to witnessing what newness will unfold. 

Managing endings is important, so rather than proposing one question this week, I’d like to offer a few reflection prompts: 

  • What was the first episode you listened to, and what do you remember?
  • From listening to the podcast over the weeks, months, years, what five things have stuck with you? 
  • What have been some of your own revelations from reflecting deeply?
  • What were you inspired to do or change as a result of the podcast? 

If you would like to share your reflections with me, I’d love to read them. You can email  me at That’s 

If you’d like to stay connected and continue reflecting with me, be sure to subscribe to my monthly muse-letter – the link is in the description. 

Thank you for coming on this journey with me. This is my stop. I hope you continue on, and take with you whatever you’ve found useful. It’s not goodbye, just farewell. 

Until we speak again, I hope the days and months are kind to you. I hope that you are kind to yourself. Be well.